DPD Germany has restructured its management team and organisation following the successful integration of its one-time franchisee DPD Systemlogistik which was acquired on 1 April 2015.
DPD Systemlogistik has now been completely amalgamated with DPD GeoPost (Deutschland) GmbH, and the seven previous DPD Systemlogistik locations have become part of DPD Germany's new consolidated regional structure. The number of regions within DPD GeoPost (Deutschland) GmbH has been reduced from three to two.
Dr. Jörg Schmeidler is in charge of Region North and Thomas Ohnhaus is manager of Region South. As regional managing directors both managers were previously members of the DPD management team.
"With the integration of a highly effective organisational structure we have now fully completed the take-over of DPD Systemlogistik", states DPD CEO Boris Winkelmann. "Our growth strategy is receiving an additional boost from the excellent cooperation with all the previous personnel and business associates of DPD Systemlogistik."
In addition to the new regional structure there have been a number of changes to the DPD management team, including the appointment by the DPD Germany board of management of Olaf Stüwe as Director Operations on 1 December. In this capacity he will be responsible for all operational processes within the company, and will also manage the ongoing infrastructure developments. Since July 2015 Olaf Stüwe has been supporting DPD in the fields of local transport and sorting/handling operations, and before that he worked for over 20 years for GLS, most recently as Director Field Operations with the Europe-wide GLS Group.
In addition, Dr. Philip Nölling also took up his post as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of DPD Germany on 1 January. He replaces Thomas Loock, who left the company at his own wish. Most recently Dr. Philip Nölling was the Commercial Manager of Hermes Logistik Gruppe Deutschland.
Also at the start of the year Bernd Friedel retired from the board of management for reasons of age, although he will continue to support DPD as an advisor on strategic projects. Bernd Friedel influenced the development of DPD above all as a regional managing director, and most recently played a major part in the integration of DPD Systemlogistik.
"For decades Bernd Friedel was one of the personalities who shaped DPD Germany", confirms DPD CEO Boris Winkelmann, adding: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for what he has done for our company, and I'm delighted that he will still be contributing his experience to us."