Leading online fast fashion retailer Missguided has ‘taken over’ many of InPost UK’s parcel lockers to promote itself during the peak season.
Under the marketing collaboration between the two companies, 180 of InPost’s lockers around the UK have been fully branded with eye-catching Missguided visuals in the run up to Christmas and beyond.
The aim of the partnership is to raise awareness of this safe and contact-free delivery and returns option that’s available to Missguided customers. As well as 24/7 access and ultra-convenience, InPost’s lockers offer a low-risk way to collect and return goods over the busy peak period.
Nick Bamber, Chief Growth Officer Marketing & eCommerce Trading at Missguided, explained: “Our customers don’t just love our cutting-edge fashion; they also prize the convenience and ease we offer when it comes to delivery and returns. We also know that this Christmas is going to be a bit different for everyone, with many preferring to avoid post offices and busy collection points.
“That’s why we’re collaborating with InPost and taking our brand right to the heart of our customers’ communities. It’s a great way to remind our customers that they can collect their Missguided orders safely and securely on their own watch and at their preferred collection point.”
Jason Tavaria, CEO of InPost UK, added: “Our parcel lockers are easy to use, contact-free and located in accessible and convenient locations. With the bigger focus on Covid-safe and contact-free delivery, customers can pick up and drop off their Missguided parcels – along with those of other InPost partner retailers – at any time that suits them. We’re excited to be bringing the Missguided brand to our lockers to help raise awareness of this great delivery option.”
Parcel lockers provide extra delivery capacity
Speaking last month, the InPost chief also highlighted the role of parcel lockers to support retailers facing opening restrictions during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
He warned that retailers “will struggle to cope with the increase in online demand in the run-up to Christmas, as distribution networks are already at near capacity keeping essential supplies moving during the lockdown. There is also little doubt we’ll see fewer festive shoppers out on the High Street; people will be ordering goods online for home delivery.”
Tavaria continued: “We can’t stand by and allow retailers to go under because there isn’t enough capacity in the delivery network. Consolidating deliveries into lockers and other out-of-store click and collect locations could add much needed capacity this December. And with Covid, this kind of contact-free and low-risk delivery option will be even more important.”